Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting

Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - 5:00pm

Pursuant to Section 15.2-2204 Code of Virginia, as amended, a public hearing will be held by the Town of Shenandoah Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., at Town Hall, 426 First Street, Shenandoah, VA, to consider the following variance request being presented by:

Kurt Hoerning who owns a parcel of property located at 642 South Second Street, Shenandoah, VA, identified by tax map number 102A6-1-82-3 and Donna Hoernig who owns a parcel of property located at 654 South Second Street, Shenandoah, VA, identified by tax map number 102A6-1-82-4.  The applicants are requesting a variance be granted, on the above referenced properties, to allow for the (already constructed) fence measuring eight (8) feet tall.  These properties are zoned R-2 and Section 50-101 (c) of the Town of Shenandoah Zoning Ordinance sets a height limit of six (6) feet "as measured from the topmost point thereof to the ground or surface in a residential zone."  The applicants are requesting a variance from the six (6) foot height limit to an eight (8) foot limit, to allow for the already constructed fence around both properties.  The density range is high.

If approved, this variance will allow for the fence to remain at eight (8) feet tall.  All persons concerned with the above listed matter are encouraged to attend the hearing and express their views.

Copies of the request and the Town of Shenandoah Zoning Ordinance are available for examination in the Shenandoah Town Office, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

NOTE:  Any hearing impaired individuals who need an interpreter must notify the Town Office at least seven (7) days prior to the public hearing.

Town of Shenandoah Board of Zoning Appeals

Submitted by:  Charles Jenkins, Town Manager/Zoning Administrator