• The Town of Shenandoah no longer issues automobile decals.  However, you will pay a vehicle license fee on your personal property tax bill for the first half of the year.  The vehicle license fee is based on the vehicles registered through the Division of Motor Vehicles as of January 1st each year.  The cost is as follows:  $25.00 per vehicle or trailer and $15.00 per motorcycle.

  • Pay Taxes online*
    Pay Utility Bills online*

    Pay over the phone 1 (866) 917-7368*

    *extra fees will be applied

    Pay at Town Hall (426 First Street, Shenandoah, VA 22849)

  • Carol Gaunt, Registrar
    103 South Court Street
    Luray, VA 22835
    (540) 743-3986 (540) 743-1988-fax

    Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (additional hours prior to elections)

    What are my Voting Districts and where is my polling place?
    Shenandoah is in the:

    • Virginia Senate 26th district
    • Virginia House 15th district
    • U.S. Congress 7th district

    The polling place for our Town is the Shenandoah VFW open from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm on election days. Check the website for additional information.

    The information contained on this page is for general purposes only and may not contain the most current information. For answers to more specific questions or concerns, or to receive the latest information possible, please contact the Town office at 540-652-8164.

  • The Shenandoah Town Hall is located at 426 First Street between Virginia Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue. The telephone number is (540) 652-8164. The Town Office is open 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Closed for lunch from 12PM-1PM. You may contact the Town via email.

  • The population according to the 2020 census data for the Town is 2,486.  

  • The Council meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.  All meetings are open to the public and are held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall located at 426 First Street.  Check the events calendar on the Shenandoah website or contact the Town Office for upcoming meetings and any schedule changes.

  • The Town Public Works may be reached after hours by calling (540) 578-3799.  The on-call maintenance person will contact you within one (1) hour.

  • When is trash collected? Trash is collected on Thursday of each week. Trash should be placed in proper containers
    and be no heavier than one person can easily lift. Trash should be placed at the street for pick-up no later than 7:00 a.m. the  day of scheduled collection.

  • The Town contracts with Updike to provide trash collection to Town residents on a weekly basis.

    There is a monthly charge of $13.50 residential and $26 commercial that is added to the water & sewer bill.

    Please call Updike if your trash is missed (540) 825-1950.

  • Sunday, Monday & Friday - CLOSED

    Tuesday and Thursday- 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.

    Saturday – 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

    Phone Number: (540) 652-BOOK (2665)

  • The Library is located at 418 South Third Street, Shenandoah, VA 22849

  • Shelters and gazebos are reserved by completing an application at Town Hall.  Shelters and Gazebos reserved on a first come – first served basis.  You can obtain more information about reservations by calling (540) 652-8164.

  • Wig-Wam Village Playground:
    Wig-Wam Village Playground offers 2 picnic shelters. The shelters have a permanent grill available for use.  One or both shelters may be reserved for $35 a day and reservations may be made anytime of the year by completing a form at Town Hall. 

    River Park has 1 gazebo which may be reserved at $35.00. There is a public restroom in season.

    Big Gem Park:

    Big Gem Park offers one (1) gazebo which can be reserved for $35.00 and (1) picnic shelter may be reserved for $50.00. There are also several free standing picnic tables available. A permanent grill is available for use. There is a portable toilet on site. The gazebo and the shelter may be reserved for $50 a day and reservations may be made anytime of the year by completing a form at Town Hall.  

    For more detailed information about the facilities available in the Town of Shenandoah, please visit or call Town Hall (540) 652-8164 for more details..

  • You can register to vote one of two ways:

    • By Mail: Applications can be obtained by calling the Registrar's Office at (540) 743-3986
    • In Person: At the Registrar's Office or Division of Motor Vehicles Office, Luray or Harrisonburg or Social Services agencies.
  • To establish water service in a new name for an existing water and sewer connection, please contact the Town Office.  Town Hall will set up a Water & Sewer Account and turn on the water service after a deposit in the amount of $150.00 is paid for rental property.  There is no deposit required for the owner of the property to establish service.  However, proof of ownership (i.e. deed or closing documents) and a photo ID are required.  Setting up accounts must be done in person and a photo ID must be presented to a Town official.  Deposit payments are accepted in the form of cash, check, money order, credit or debit card. When paying by check or money order, please make payable to the Town of Shenandoah.  There is a $50.00 charge for returned checks.

  • For or more information contact the Town Office at (540) 652-8164.

  • Water/Sewer/Refuse bills are mailed on or about the 15th of each month. 

    Water/Sewer/Refuse bills are due on or before the 3rd of the following month.

    A penalty of 10% will be added to your balance if payment is not received by the 3rd and a late notice will be  mailed. If you do not receive your bill, contact the Town Office.

  • For any planned new construction or addition, you must apply for a Zoning Permit with the Zoning Administrator. After the Town of Shenandoah approves a Zoning Permit you must obtain a building permit from Page County.  To obtain a Zoning Permit Application, please call Town Hall at (540)-652-8164.

  • Please call MISS Utility of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 or 811 before you dig or excavate. This will prevent accidents, and vital and costly utilities from being damaged as a result of not knowing where utility lines are located. It is a state law to call before you dig! 
    (For after hours and weekend emergencies)