Joint Public Hearing Special Use Permit
A Joint Public Hearing will be held by the Shenandoah Planning Commission and the Shenandoah Town Council to consider the following Special Use Permit Request being presented by*:
Shenandoah Assembly of God (current listed owner) and EGM Enterprises (applicant/purchaser), who owns a parcel of property located at 712 Maryland Avenue, Shenandoah, Virginia, identified as being on tax map number 102A4-(1)-3 lots 7-13. The owners/applicants are requesting a special use permit be granted, on the above referenced property, to allow for conversion of a church building into an apartment building with 12 units, as provided for in the Code of the Town of Shenandoah, Sections 50-68, C, (2), pursuant to Section 50-108. The density range in this area is medium to high.
*Please note if the prior meeting for the Rezoning Request is not approved, then the Special Use Permit meeting will not happen.