Voluntary Water Conservation

Voluntary Water Conservation


The DEQ has the entire Shenandoah Valley region in a drought warning.  The Town of Shenandoah is asking residents to voluntary reduce water consumption during this critical time.  Please refrain from such activities:  washing or using water hoses on paved areas, buildings, windows, or hard-surfaced areas, operating ornamental fountains, washing or rinsing vehicles by hose. 

The best way to conserve water is to find ways to cut back on water use in small ways throughout your day.  That includes only running full loads of the dishwasher or the washing machine, turning off the sink when you are brushing your teeth, and setting a time limit on your showers.  The best way to save water is to fix all fixtures with any kind of leak.

Residents need to prepare for long-term conservation efforts.  It is unknown how long the drought will last.  Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding during this time.

See the current drought status on the DEQ website at: https://www.deq.virginia.gov/our-programs/water/water-quantity/drought